Conference Intepretation FAQs

How can we get the most out of your services?

Follow the guidance of our experience.

Make sure to hire best quality interpreters to ensure your message is correctly translated.
Hire top rated interpretation equipment with interpretation booths to provide best working environment for interpreters
Make sure all those who may speak use a microphone
Get all handouts translated into target languages
Get web site translated into target languages

What’s the difference between translation and interpretation?

Written work is translated, oral speech in interpreted.

Why use two interpreters per language?

Because interpretation is such a concentration intensive process no one interpreter can keep a high level degree of accuracy for more than 20-30 minutes. Using 2 interpreters alternating every 20-30 minutes assures the highest level of accuracy of interpretation.

Never use one interpreter for more than 1 hour.

Why should we use an interpretation booth?

The interpretation booths provides two major functions:

1) The booth gives interpreters the best possible environment in which to work in and maintain the highest degree of concentration.

2) The booth provides for a sound barrier that keeps the interpreters voices from being a distraction to attendees in the room.

Why should we use microphones with interpretation?

By providing a direct feed of the voices of everyone who speak into the interpreters headsets the interpreters can concentrate better, hear better and thus interpret better.

Why use professional interpreters and not our bilingual staff?

Because your message is more important than saving money or cutting corners.

What are the different types of interpretation?

There are two major types of interpretation:

1) Simultaneous
The Gold-Standard mode of interpretation for business meeting worldwide. In this mode the interpretation is about 4-8 seconds behind the presentation.

2) Consecutive
This is known as a stop-and-go mode in which the presenter will speak for a short time and then pause to allow for the interpreter to render their interpretation. This means that for every hour of presentation will result in approximately 2 hours of real-time, doubling the duration of your meetings.